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Owner side

Basic Concepts

The owned side only has @OneToMany or @OneToOne objects with mappedBy. Taking @OneToMany as an example:

public interface BookStore {

@OneToMany(mappedBy = true)
List<Book> books();

This association has a special functionality:

  • Automatically sets reverse associations for child objects

  • Configures whether different parent objects can snatch for child objects

1. Automatically Setting Reverse Associations for Child Objects

Assume we have the following entity:
public interface TreeNode {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
long id();

String name();

TreeNode parent();

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent")
List<TreeNode> childNodes();

The @Key properties of TreeNode are name and parent. Apart from explicitly accepting the persistence mode for wild objects, the object being saved needs to either:

  • Specify the property

  • Specify both and TreeNode.parent properties

However, the following code works normally:

TreeNode rootNode = Immutables.createTreeNode(root -> {
root.addIntoChildNodes(child -> {
// For non-root objects, no need to specify the `parent` property
root.addIntoChildNodes(child -> {
// For non-root objects, no need to specify the `parent` property

The setTargetTransferModeAll(TargetTransferMode.ALLOWED) is not the focus here, readers can ignore it for now.

Here, although the root object (Root) has both name and parent properties specified, for non-root objects (Child-1, Child-2), only the name property is specified, while the parent property is not.

The TreeNode.childNodes property is the reverse association of the TreeNode.parent property.


For the owning side of many-to-one (or one-to-one) associations (here TreeNode.parent), once child objects are specified for the parent object through its inverse one-to-many (or one-to-one) association (here TreeNode.childNodes), the parent object reference for each child object in the collection will be automatically set.

In this example, the object tree that the user originally expected to save was:


Assuming the database assigns auto-number 100 to the root element after insertion, Jimmer will automatically adjust this tree to:

"id": 100,
"parent": {"id": 100}
"parent": {"id": 100}

As you can see, once the parent object is saved, the TreeNode.parent property of all child objects will be automatically set. That is, when the id property is not specified:

  • From Jimmer's perspective, both name and parent properties of all TreeNode objects are specified, meaning all @Key properties are specified

  • From the user's perspective, only the root object needs to specify both name and parent properties, while all other objects only need to specify the name property

The above example will generate three SQL statements:

  1. Query whether the root object exists based on @Key:

    from TREE_NODE tb_1_
    tb_1_.PARENT_ID is null
    tb_1_.NAME = ? /* Root */

    Here, the database's own UPSERT capability is not used, instead an additional query is made to determine whether the subsequent operation should be INSERT or UPDATE.

    This is because the database's own UPSERT capability relies on unique constraints (or unique indexes), and here, the parent property of the root object being saved is null, and not all databases have the ability to define null behavior for unique constraints.

    Therefore, by default, if the @Key property of the object being saved is null, Jimmer will give up using the database's own UPSERT capability, execute an additional query to determine whether the subsequent operation should be INSERT or UPDATE, and report QueryReason.NULL_NOT_DISTINCT_REQUIRED to developers.


    Some databases, such as Postgres, can define null behavior for unique constraints. How to solve this problem in such databases is not the focus of this article, please refer to the documentation comments of QueryReason.NULL_NOT_DISTINCT_REQUIRED to learn more.

  2. Assuming the above query determines that the object being saved does not exist in the database, simply insert the root object:

    insert into TREE_NODE(NAME, PARENT_ID) 
    values(?, ?)
    /* batch-0: [Root, DbNull{type=long}] */
  3. Save child objects (assuming the id is known to be 100 after saving the root object):

    merge into TREE_NODE(
    ) key(
    ) values(?, ?)
    /* batch-0: [Child-1, 100] */
    /* batch-1: [Child-2, 100] */

2. Configuring Whether Different Parent Objects Can Snatch for Child Objects

Conservative Default Behavior

Let's look at an example first:

BookStore store = Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {

Executing this code will generate the following SQL and result in an exception:

  1. Saving the root object BookStore:

    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(
    ) values(
    ? /* MANNING */
  2. Saving the child objects Book:

    merge into BOOK(
    ) key(ID) values(?, ?)
    /* batch-0: [12, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [1, 2] */

    Strangely, even though the id property of child objects is specified (which usually means Jimmer will utilize the database's own UPSERT capability), Jimmer still tries to determine whether the subsequent operation should be INSERT or UPDATE through a query, rather than using the database's own UPSERT capability. More importantly, Jimmer reports QueryReason.TARGET_NOT_TRANSFERABLE.

  3. Finally, the above code will result in the following exception:

    update BOOK
    STORE_ID = null
    STORE_ID = ?
    not (
    ID = any(?)
    /* batch-0: [2, [12, 1]] */ is a many-to-one association, a Book object can only belong to one BookStore object and cannot belong to multiple BookStore objects simultaneously.

Therefore, saving the data structure through the inverse one-to-many association BookStore.books establishes an association between the current BookStore parent object and another existing Book object. If the Book object already belongs to another parent object, it will cause the current parent object to snatch for the child object from other parent objects. In other words, the child object migrates between different parent objects.

If this is expected behavior by the developers, then there's no problem. However, if this is not expected behavior, it may lead to unintended oversights.

By default, Jimmer adopts a conservative strategy that prohibits child objects from transfering between different parent objects.

In this example, attempting to associate BookStore(MANNING) with Book(12) and Book(1), Jimmer executes an additional query with QueryReason.TARGET_NOT_TRANSFERABLE to check if any child objects are transfering between different parent objects.

  • Book(12) already belongs to BookStore(MANNING), no transfer occurs, no problem
  • Book(1) doesn't belong to BookStore(MANNING) but belongs to BookStore(O'REILLY), transfer occurs, therefore an exception is thrown.

The default behavior is very conservative. While it prevents competition for child objects between different parent objects (if developers consider such unintended competition harmful to business), it leads to additional queries and doesn't fully utilize the database's own UPSERT capability, resulting in suboptimal performance.

If you believe better performance is more important than this conservative defensive behavior, Jimmer provides additional configuration to change this behavior.

Overriding Default Behavior Without Restrictions

To prioritize performance and remove these restrictions, there are two methods:

  1. Save command level configuration, which can be divided into two types:

    1. Precise configuration, removing restrictions for specific associations:

      BookStore store = ...omitted...;
    2. Blind configuration, removing restrictions for all associations:

      BookStore store = ...omitted...;

    Whether precise or blind configuration, the last parameter is the TargetTransferMode enum, which has three values:

    • ALLOWED: Allows child object transfer and tries to use the database's own UPSERT capability whenever possible

    • NOT_ALLOWED: Prohibits child object transfer, initiates additional queries with QueryReason.TARGET_NOT_TRANSFERABLE for verification. If child object transfer occurs, throws an exception

    • AUTO (default): Current configuration is invalid, refers to lower priority configuration

      • For precise configuration, refers to blind configuration

      • For blind configuration, refers to global configuration

  2. Global configuration, which can be divided into two types:

    1. Global configuration based on Jimmer API:

      JSqlClient sqlCient = JSqlClient
      ...other configurations omitted...
    2. Global configuration based on Spring Boot if using Jimmer's spring-boot-starter:

      Using application.yml as an example:

      target-transferable: true
      ...other configurations omitted...

Once Jimmer is configured through any of the above methods to not restrict child object transfer for the BookStore.books association, modify the code as follows:
public interface Book {

// Not related to the current discussion,
// please ignore for now
BookStore store();

...other code omitted...

Re-executing the code will generate the following SQL:

  1. Saving the root object:

    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(
    ) values(
    ? /* MANNING */
  2. Establishing associations between root object and child objects:

    merge into BOOK(
    ) key(ID) values(?, ?)
    /* batch-0: [12, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [1, 2] */
  3. Breaking associations between root object and no longer needed child objects:

    update BOOK
    STORE_ID = null
    STORE_ID = ?
    not (
    ID = any(?)
    /* batch-0: [2, [12, 1]] */

To demonstrate performance-priority scenarios to users, the examples jimmer-examples/java/save-command and jimmer-examples/kotlin/save-command-kt both use global configuration to allow child object transfer.