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Associated Save Mode

Basic Concepts

In the previous article, we introduced how to control the save mode of aggregate root objects.

This article will discuss how to control the save mode of associated objects. Associated objects support the following save modes:

Association Save ModeApplicable ScopeAccept Wild ObjectsDescription
APPENDAll associationsYesUnconditionally perform INSERT operation on associated objects
APPEND_IF_ABSENTAll associationsNo
  1. First check if the associated object exists in the database
  • If the id property of the associated object is specified, check existence by id
  • Otherwise, check existence by key
  1. Execute subsequent operations based on the check result
  • If the associated object already exists, ignore the operation and do nothing
  • Otherwise, insert the associated object

Jimmer will try to utilize the database's native UPSERT capability to combine these two steps. If not possible, it will inform the user why

UPDATEAll associationsYes
  • If the id property of the associated object is specified, update the associated object by id
  • Otherwise, update the associated object by key
MERGEAll associationsNo
  1. First check if the associated object exists in the database
  • If the id property of the associated object is specified, check existence by id
  • Otherwise, check existence by key
  1. Execute subsequent operations based on the check result
  • If the associated object already exists, update it
  • Otherwise, insert the associated object

Jimmer will try to utilize the database's native UPSERT capability to combine these two steps. If not possible, it will inform the user why

REPLACEPost associationsNoBased on MERGE, perform dissociate operation on no longer needed associated objects
VIOLENTLY_REPLACEPost associationsYes

Make Jimmer no longer search for changes in associations (or association collections) by id or key, but execute the following two operations

  1. First delete all old associations and related objects of the current object
  2. Then reinsert all associated objects and rebuild associations with the current object

This is a very aggressive association update approach with the following pros and cons

  • Pros: Accepts wild associated objects, no longer requires associated objects to either specify id or key
  • Cons:
    • If there are many associated objects, in most cases, this is a low-performance solution
    • If associated objects have deeper associations, the deletion in step 1 may cause too deep cascade deletion, leading to loss of too much data

Methods with Specified Association Mode

You can set the AssociatedSaveMode for save commands in two ways

  • Set parameters for the save method (this is the simpler choice)

  • Call configuration methods on the save command (this is the more powerful choice)


Jimmer's API design only allows users to choose one of these methods, preventing confusion from having both methods appear simultaneously

Setting Save Method Parameters

Many save methods support this, for example

For save, saveEntities and saveInputs, the default AssociatedSaveMode is REPLACE. Now, let's modify it to MERGE.

  • save

    Book book = ...omitted...;, AssociatedSaveMode.MERGE);
  • saveEntities

    List<Book> books = ...omitted...;
    sqlClient.saveEntities(books, AssociatedSaveMode.MERGE);
  • saveInputs

    List<BookInput> inputs = ...omitted...;
    sqlClient.saveInputs(inputs, AssociatedSaveMode.MERGE);

    Here, the BookInput class is not an entity type, but rather an automatically generated Input DTO type by Jimmer.

    This related content hasn't been introduced before, please ignore it for now.

Besides save, saveEntities and saveInputs, Jimmer has other shortcut methods, such as

  • insert, insertEntities, insertInputs
  • insertIfAbsent, mergeEntitiesIfAbsent, mergeInputsIfAbsent
  • update, updateEntities, updateInputs
  • merge, mergeEntities, mergeInputs

Taking insert, insertEntities and insertInputs as examples, the default AssociatedSaveMode is APPEND. Now, let's modify it to MERGE.

  • insert

    Book book = ...omitted...;
    sqlClient.insert(book, AssociatedSaveMode.MERGE);
  • insertEntities

    List<Book> books = ...omitted...;
    sqlClient.insertEntities(books, AssociatedSaveMode.MERGE);
  • insertInputs

    List<BookInput> inputs = ...omitted...;
    sqlClient.insertInputs(inputs, AssociatedSaveMode.MERGE);

Calling Save Instruction Configuration Methods

Besides setting save method parameters, we can also modify AssociatedSaveMode by calling configuration methods on the save command.

  • Precisely set AssociatedSaveMode for specific associations

    Book book = ...omitted...;
    • Java

      Calls the saveCommand method instead of save method, indicating creation of a save command without immediate execution.

      After configuration with setAssociatedMode, finally calls the execute method to actually execute.

    • Kotlin

      The syntax is relatively concise, still calling the save method that can directly execute save commands, just with a lambda for additional configuration.

  • Blindly set AssociatedSaveMode for all associations

    Book book = ...omitted...;
    • Java

      Calls the saveCommand method instead of save method, indicating creation of a save command without immediate execution.

      After configuration with setAssociatedModeAll, finally calls the execute method to actually execute.

    • Kotlin

      The syntax is relatively concise, still calling the save method that can directly execute save commands, just with a lambda for additional configuration.


Obviously, for specific associations, precise configuration has higher priority than blind configuration.


Unconditionally perform INSERT operations on associated objects

List<BookStore> stores = Arrays.asList(
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("SQL in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("49.9"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("LINQ in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("39.9"));
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("C++ Primer");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("44.02"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("Programming RUST");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("71.99"));


To demonstrate simpler SQL generation, we assume that the targetTransferable feature of sqlClient is enabled, which was previously covered, see here

Two SQL statements will be generated:

  1. Perform UPSERT (insert or update) operations on two root objects

    Saving the root object is not the focus of this article, collapsed by default
    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(NAME) values(
    /* batch-0: [MANNING] */
    /* batch-1: [AMAZON] */
    • Assume MANNING exists with an id of 2
    • Assume AMAZON exists, after insertion, the database automatically assigns a new id of 100
  2. Perform INSERT operations on 4 associated objects

    Assuming after the previous SQL saves the root objects:

    • The id of MANNING is 2
    • The id of AMAZON is 100

    The following SQL is generated:

    insert into BOOK(
    ) values(?, ?, ?, ?)
    /* batch-0: [SQL in Action, 1, 49.9, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [LINQ in Action, 1, 39.9, 2] */
    /* batch-2: [C++ Primer, 5, 44.02, 100] */
    /* batch-3: [Programming RUST, 1, 71.99, 100] */


  1. First check if the associated object exists in the database
  • If the id property of the associated object is specified, check existence by id
  • Otherwise, check existence by key
  1. Execute subsequent operations based on the check result
  • If the associated object already exists, ignore the operation and do nothing
  • Otherwise, insert the associated object

Jimmer will try to utilize the database's native UPSERT capabilities to combine these two steps. If this is not possible, it will inform the user of the reason

List<BookStore> stores = Arrays.asList(
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("SQL in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("49.9"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("LINQ in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("39.9"));
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("C++ Primer");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("44.02"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("Programming RUST");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("71.99"));


To demonstrate simpler SQL generation, we assume that the targetTransferable feature of sqlClient is enabled, which was previously covered, see here

Two SQL statements will be generated:

  1. Perform UPSERT (insert or update) operations on two root objects

    Saving the root object is not the focus of this article, collapsed by default
    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(NAME) values(
    /* batch-0: [MANNING] */
    /* batch-1: [AMAZON] */
    • Assume MANNING exists with an id of 2
    • Assume AMAZON exists, after insertion, the database automatically assigns a new id of 100
  2. Perform INSERT_IF_ABSENT operations on 4 associated objects


    • The key for Book objects is and Book.edition, and the Book entity is annotated with @KeyUniqueConstraint (For MySQL, @KeyUniqueConstraint(noMoreUniqueConstraints = true) is needed)

    • After the previous SQL saves the root objects:

      • The id of MANNING is 2
      • The id of AMAZON is 100

    The following SQL is generated:

    merge into BOOK tb_1_ 
    using(values(?, ?, ?, ?)) tb_2_(
    tb_1_.NAME = tb_2_.NAME
    tb_1_.EDITION = tb_2_.EDITION
    when not matched then
    ) values(
    tb_2_.NAME, tb_2_.EDITION, tb_2_.PRICE, tb_2_.STORE_ID
    /* batch-0: [SQL in Action, 1, 49.9, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [LINQ in Action, 1, 39.9, 2] */
    /* batch-2: [C++ Primer, 5, 44.02, 100] */
    /* batch-3: [Programming RUST, 1, 71.99, 100] */


  • If the id property of the associated object is specified, update the associated object by id
  • Otherwise, update the associated object by key
List<BookStore> stores = Arrays.asList(
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("SQL in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("49.9"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("LINQ in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("39.9"));
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("C++ Primer");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("44.02"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("Programming RUST");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("71.99"));


To demonstrate simpler SQL generation, we assume that the targetTransferable feature of sqlClient is enabled, which was previously covered, see here

Two SQL statements will be generated:

  1. Perform UPSERT (insert or update) operations on two root objects

    Saving the root object is not the focus of this article, collapsed by default
    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(NAME) values(
    /* batch-0: [MANNING] */
    /* batch-1: [AMAZON] */
    • Assume MANNING exists with an id of 2
    • Assume AMAZON exists, after insertion, the database automatically assigns a new id of 100
  2. Perform INSERT operations on 4 associated objects

    Assuming after the previous SQL saves the root objects:

    • The id of MANNING is 2
    • The id of AMAZON is 100

    The following SQL is generated:

    update BOOK
    PRICE = ?,
    STORE_ID = ?
    NAME = ?
    EDITION = ?
    /* batch-0: [49.9, 2, SQL in Action, 1] */
    /* batch-1: [39.9, 2, LINQ in Action, 1] */
    /* batch-2: [44.02, 100, C++ Primer, 5] */
    /* batch-3: [71.99, 100, Programming RUST, 1] */


  1. First check if the associated object exists in the database
  • If the id property of the associated object is specified, check existence by id
  • Otherwise, check existence by key
  1. Execute subsequent operations based on the check result
  • If the associated object already exists, update it
  • Otherwise, insert it

Jimmer will try to utilize the database's native UPSERT capabilities to combine these two steps. If this is not possible, it will inform the user of the reason

List<BookStore> stores = Arrays.asList(
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("SQL in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("49.9"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("LINQ in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("39.9"));
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("C++ Primer");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("44.02"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("Programming RUST");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("71.99"));


To demonstrate simpler SQL generation, we assume that the targetTransferable feature of sqlClient is enabled, which was previously covered, see here

Two SQL statements will be generated:

  1. Perform UPSERT (insert or update) operations on two root objects

    Saving the root object is not the focus of this article, collapsed by default
    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(NAME) values(
    /* batch-0: [MANNING] */
    /* batch-1: [AMAZON] */
    • Assume MANNING exists with an id of 2
    • Assume AMAZON exists, after insertion, the database automatically assigns a new id of 100
  2. Perform MERGE operations on 4 associated objects


    • The key for Book objects is and Book.edition, and the Book entity is annotated with @KeyUniqueConstraint (For MySQL, @KeyUniqueConstraint(noMoreUniqueConstraints = true) is needed)

    • After the previous SQL saves the root objects:

      • The id of MANNING is 2
      • The id of AMAZON is 100

    The following SQL is generated:

    merge into BOOK(
    ) key(NAME, EDITION) values(
    ?, ?, ?, ?
    /* batch-0: [SQL in Action, 1, 49.9, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [LINQ in Action, 1, 39.9, 2] */
    /* batch-2: [C++ Primer, 5, 44.02, 100] */
    /* batch-3: [Programming RUST, 1, 71.99, 100] */


The MERGE mode performs INSERT or UPDATE operations on associated objects, so after saving, the number of associated objects either remains the same or increases, but never decreases.

The REPLACE mode does not have this characteristic because REPLACE performs dissociate operations on no-longer-needed associated objects in addition to the MERGE functionality.

The dissociate operation removes associations that the current object no longer needs, for example:

Existing Database StructureUser's Expected Data Structure
+-----Meat(ignore child nodes)
\-----Bread(ignore child nodes)
+-----Drinks(ignore child nodes)
\-----Bread(ignore child nodes)
  • For Bread, it exists in both old and new data structures, corresponding to an UPDATE operation

  • For Drinks, it doesn't exist in the old data structure but exists in the new data, corresponding to an INSERT operation

  • For Meat, it exists in the old data structure but not in the new data, corresponding to an operation called dissociation operation.


The dissociate operation will be explained in detail in subsequent tutorials, so this article provides a highly simplified example

List<Book> books = Arrays.asList(
Immutables.createBook(book -> {
book.addIntoAuthors(author -> author.setId(2L));
book.addIntoAuthors(author -> author.setId(3L));
Immutables.createBook(book -> {
book.addIntoAuthors(author -> author.setId(2L));
book.addIntoAuthors(author -> author.setId(4L));
// This parameter can be removed because for the `saveEntities` method,
// `AssociatedSaveMode.REPLACE` is the default behavior

Assuming the existing database structure is shown in the left column of the table below:

Existing Database StructureDesired Data Structure to Save




Obviously, there should be 4 behaviors:

  • Dissociate operations specific to REPLACE:

    • Dissociate the association between Book-1 and Author-1
    • Dissociate the association between Book-2 and Author-1
  • Capabilities inherited from MERGE:

    • Create a new association between Book-1 and Author-3
    • Create a new association between Book-2 and Author-4

Finally, two SQL statements will be generated:

  1. The dissociate operation specific to REPLACE mode, removing old associations:

    delete from BOOK_AUTHOR_MAPPING
    BOOK_ID = ?
    not (AUTHOR_ID = any(?))
    /* batch-0: [1, [2, 3]] */
    /* batch-1: [2, [2, 4]] */

    The purpose of this SQL is:

    • For Book-1, delete its associations with Authors other than Author-2 and Author-3

      In this case, it means dissociating Book-1 from Author-1

    • For Book-2, delete its associations with Authors other than Author-2 and Author-4

      In this case, it means dissociating Book-2 from Author-1

    We can see significant differences between different databases:

    • H2 and Postgres use simple batched SQL
    • MySQL uses a single complex SQL statement

    This is because H2 and Postgres support the =any(array) syntax, while MySQL does not.

  2. Capabilities inherited by REPLACE mode from MERGE mode to establish new associations

    merge into BOOK_AUTHOR_MAPPING tb_1_ 
    using(values(?, ?)) tb_2_(
    tb_1_.BOOK_ID = tb_2_.BOOK_ID
    tb_1_.AUTHOR_ID = tb_2_.AUTHOR_ID
    when not matched then
    insert(BOOK_ID, AUTHOR_ID)
    values(tb_2_.BOOK_ID, tb_2_.AUTHOR_ID)
    /* batch-0: [1, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [1, 3] */
    /* batch-2: [2, 2] */
    /* batch-3: [2, 3] */

The REPLACE mode integrates INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations into one, expecting to replace all associated relationships completely (if the association relationship is a deep long association, then it's replacing an entire subtree).

However, REPLACE mode has one limitation: it expects objects to either have an id or a key.

Because it expects to cleverly find the parts where the new and old data structures have changed through id and key, thereby minimizing the impact range of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations to achieve maximum performance.


If readers are familiar with the web domain, it's not hard to see that this is the same principle as specifying the key attribute when using loop rendering in React.

In fact, the save command design was inspired by React.


We've dissucess REPLACE, however, what should we do when dealing with wild objects, i.e., associated objects that have neither id nor key?

In this case, we can use the VIOLENTLY_REPLACE mode. Once this mode is adopted, Jimmer no longer looks for changes in associations (or association collections) based on id or key, but performs the following two operations:

  1. First, delete all old associations and related objects of the current object
  2. Then reinsert all associated objects and rebuild associations with the current object
List<BookStore> stores = Arrays.asList(
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("SQL in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("49.9"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("LINQ in Action");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("39.9"));
Immutables.createBookStore(draft -> {
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("C++ Primer");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("44.02"));
draft.addIntoBooks(book -> {
book.setName("Programming RUST");
book.setPrice(new BigDecimal("71.99"));


To demonstrate simpler SQL generation, let's assume that the targetTransferable feature of sqlClient is enabled, which was previously introduced, please refer to here

Three SQL statements will be generated:

  1. Perform UPSERT (insert or update) operations on the two root objects

    Saving the root object is not the focus of this article, collapsed by default
    merge into BOOK_STORE(
    ) key(NAME) values(
    /* batch-0: [MANNING] */
    /* batch-1: [AMAZON] */
    • Assume MANNING exists with an id of 2
    • Assume AMAZON exists, after insertion, the database automatically assigns a new id of 100
  2. Delete all old associated objects

    Assuming after saving the root objects in the previous SQL

    • The id of MANNING is 2
    • The id of AMAZON is 100
    delete from BOOK 
    where STORE_ID = any(
    ? /* [2, 100] */

    If there are other tables in the database that reference the BOOK table through foreign keys, a simple DELETE statement cannot delete all associated objects.

    To simplify the discussion, let's assume this scenario doesn't exist.

  3. Create all new associations and associated objects

    Assuming after saving the root objects in the previous SQL

    • The id of MANNING is 2
    • The id of AMAZON is 100
    insert into BOOK(
    ) values(?, ?, ?, ?)
    /* batch-0: [SQL in Action, 1, 49.9, 2] */
    /* batch-1: [LINQ in Action, 1, 39.9, 2] */
    /* batch-2: [C++ Primer, 5, 44.02, 100] */
    /* batch-3: [Programming RUST, 1, 71.99, 100] */

Not comparing old and new data in detail, but simply deleting associated objects and rebuilding them is a very violent mode with the following disadvantages:

  • If there are many associated objects, in most cases, this is a low-performance solution
  • If the associated objects have deeper associations, the deletion behavior in step 1 may lead to too deep cascade deletion, resulting in the loss of too much data

Therefore, it is not recommended, please use with caution

Default Mode

The save command provides not only save, saveEntities, and saveInputs methods, but also other shortcut methods for various application scenarios.

Different save commands have different default values for AssociatedSaveMode, please refer to this table:

MethodDefault AssociatedSaveMode