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Delete Command

Basic Concepts

The delete command deletes objects by id or id collection.

API CategoryLanguageDelete by IdDelete by Id Collection
Low Level APIJava

Full API

  • JSqlClient.getEntities().delete
  • JSqlClient.getEntities().deleteCommand

Shortcut API

  • JSqlClient.deleteById

Full API

  • JSqlClient.getEntities().deleteAll
  • JSqlClient.getEntities().deleteAllCommand

Shortcut API

  • JSqlClient.deleteByIds

Full API

  • KSqlClient.entities.delete

Shortcut API

  • KSqlClient.deleteById

Full API

  • KSqlClient.entities.deleteAll

Shortcut API

  • KSqlClient.deleteByIds
Spring Data APIJava
  • JRepository.deleteById
  • JRepository.deleteByIds
  • JRepository.deleteAllById
  • KRepository.deleteById
  • KRepository.deleteByIds
  • KRepository.deleteAllById

Necessary Explanations:

  • In the Java low-level API there are two methods ending in Command: deleteCommand and deleteAllCommand.

    • These two methods create commands but do not execute them immediately. After the user does more configuration on the command, calling execute executes it.

      Take deleteCommand as an example:

      DeleteResult result = sqlClient
      .deleteCommand(BookStore.class, 1L)
      .setDissociateAction(BookProps.STORE, DissociateAction.SET_NULL)
      • ❶ Create the command, but do not execute it.

      • ❷ Configure the command, can be chained with multiple configurations (here only one configuration is demoed)


      The effect of this configuration will be explained later, readers can ignore it for now.

      • ❸ Finally execute it.

      Kotlin does not need such a design, because its delete method supports an optional Lambda parameter for configuration. Simply execute with the necessary configuration:

      val result = sqlClient
      .delete(BookStore::class, 1L) {
      setDissociateAction(Book::store, DissociateAction.SET_NULL)
  • In the Spring Data API we can find two methods with the same functionality but different names: deleteByIds and deleteAllById.

    • deleteByIds: A method consistent in style with the Jimmer low-level shortcut API.

    • deleteAllById: A required method when inheriting, can be understood as an alias of deleteByIds.

  • The delete command supports two types of operations:

    • Logical delete: Does not actually delete data, just marks the logical delete field of the object as "deleted".

    • Physical delete: Actually deletes data.

    All the above APIs support an optional parameter of type DeleteMode through Java method overloading or Kotlin default parameters. This parameter type is an enum with three possible values:

    • AUTO: Does not explicitly specify whether the current operation is logical delete or physical delete

      • If the deleted entity type has a logical delete field, perform logical delete.

      • Otherwise, perform physical delete.

    • LOGICAL: Explicitly specifies that the current operation is logical delete

      • If the deleted entity type has a logical delete field, perform logical delete.

      • Otherwise, throw an exception indicating that the current entity does not support logical delete.

    • PHYSICAL: Explicitly specifies that the current operation is physical delete

      Regardless of whether the deleted entity type has a logical delete field, perform physical delete.

Logical Delete

Assuming the entity has a logical delete field, for example:
public interface Book {

boolean isDeleted();

...other code omitted...

Then the following three behaviors:

  • sqlClient.deleteById(Book.class, 1L)
  • sqlClient.deleteById(Book.class, 1L, DeleteMode.AUTO)
  • sqlClient.deleteById(Book.class, 1L, DeleteMode.LOGICAL)

have the same function, they all represent logical delete, and generate the following sql:

update BOOK  
set DELETED = ? /* true */
where ID in(?/* 1L*/)

Physical Delete

If the entity does not have a logical delete field, or the delete mode is explicitly specified as DeleteMode.PHYSICAL, physical delete is performed.

Basic Usage

DeleteResult result = sqlClient
.deleteAll(Book.class, Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L));


"Affected row count: " +
result.getTotalAffectedRowCount() +

"\nAffected row count of table 'BOOK': " +
result.getAffectedRowCount(AffectedTable.of(Book.class)) +

"\nAffected row count of middle table 'BOOK_AUTHOR_MAPPING': " +

The finally generated SQL is:

  1. delete from BOOK_AUTHOR_MAPPING
    where BOOK_ID in(?, ?, ?, ?)
  2. delete from BOOK
    where ID in(?, ?, ?, ?)

Dissociate Mode

From the above discussion we can see that the delete command may cause data in many-to-many association middle tables to be deleted, which is a relatively simple case.

For one-to-one or one-to-many associations directly based on foreign keys, the situation to be handled is a little more complex.

DeleteResult result = sqlClient
.delete(BookStore.class, 1L);


"Affected row count: " +
result.getTotalAffectedRowCount() +

"\nAffected row count of table 'BOOK_STORE': " +
result.getAffectedRowCount(AffectedTable.of(BookStore.class)) +

"\nAffected row count of table 'BOOK': " +
result.getAffectedRowCount(AffectedTable.of(Book.class)) +

"\nAffected row count of middle table 'BOOK_AUTHOR_MAPPING': " +

This code deletes a BookStore object.

Because the BookStore object has a one-to-many association BookStore.books, if the object being deleted already has some associated objects in the database, Jimmer will discard those objects.

The one-to-many association BookStore.books is not a mapping based on a middle table, but a mapping based on a foreign key. How will Jimmer discard those Book objects?

Unlike JPA, Jimmer does not allow direct use of @OneToMany for association mapping. @OneToMany must use the mappedBy property. See @OneToMany to learn more.

This means that through the one-to-many association BookStore.books we can certainly find the corresponding many-to-one association

Next, Jimmer will refer to the @OnDissociate annotation on the many-to-one association property

There are 5 modes for dissociating child objects


NONE (default)

Depend on the global configuration jimmer.default-dissociate-action-checking.


This option is only valid for pseudo foreign keys (please refer to Real and Fake Foreign Keys), otherwise it will be ignored, the same as CHECK.

Dissociation operations are supported even if there are child objects. Even if the parent object is deleted (dissociation mode is also adopted by delete commands), dangling pseudo foreign keys of child objects are allowed (even if pseudo foreign keys are left dangling, the query system can still work normally).

CHECKIf there are child objects, disassociation is not supported, the operation is prevented by throwing an exception.

Set the foreign key of the disassociated child object to null. The prerequisite is that the many-to-one associated propety of the child object is nullable; otherwise, attempting this configuration will lead to an exception.

DELETEDelete the disassociated child objects.

Dissociation Examples

  1. If the foreign key corresponding to is configured by the @OnDissociate annotation as SET_NULL, the following SQL is executed:

    update BOOK set STORE_ID = null where STORE_ID in(?)

    where the parameter is the id of the deleted object. Thus, the foreign keys of these discarded objects are set to null.

  2. Otherwise, first execute:

    select ID from BOOK where STORE_ID in(?) 

    where the parameter is the id of the deleted object. Thus, the ids of these discarded objects are obtained.

    If the query does not return any data, skip the subsequent steps.

    • If the foreign key corresponding to is configured by @OnDissociate as DELETE, use the new delete command to delete these discarded objects. This is actually the automatic recursive execution capability of the delete command.

    • Otherwise, throw an exception.

The above discussed situations all require the developer to use the @OnDissociate annotation on the property.

However, you can also choose not to use the @OnDissociate annotation, but dynamically specify the dissociateAction configuration for the delete command.

DeleteResult result = sqlClient
.deleteCommand(BookStore.class, 1L)
.configure(it ->

Here, calling the command's setDissociateAction method dynamically has the same effect as using the @OnDissociate annotation statically on the property and specifying cascade delete.

  1. If the last parameter of the setDissociateAction method is DissociateAction.SET_NULL, the associated property being set must be nullable, otherwise it will cause an exception.

  2. If dissociation rules are configured dynamically for the save command and also configured statically in the entity interface through the @OnDissociate annotation, the dynamic configuration takes precedence.