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Lonely Form


This is a very crude solution, only for learning or very simple projects.

Limitation: Can only save single table data, cannot persist complex data structures.

Functionality: Resolves security issue (this issue is discussed in previous doc).

Advantage: No need to define Input DTOs.

Disadvantage: Does not resolve API ambiguity issue (this issue is discussed in previous doc).

public void saveBook(
@RequestBody Book book
) {
if (!ImmutableObjects.isLonely(book)) {
throw new IllegalArguemntException("The input object is too complex");

This example directly uses the Jimmer dynamic object as the parameter, without restricting the complexity of the passed data structure. But we added a validation to throw an exception if the parameter is not a lonely object, to ensure security.

isLonely is used to determine if a dynamic object is just a lonely object. A lonely object can only have two kinds of properties:

  • Scalar properties

  • Association properties based on foreign keys, but can only be assigned null or associated objects with only id property.

It is easy to see that the validation in the above code ensures all insert or update operations can only apply to one table.

If the developer thinks:

  • Restricting functionality to only modifying one table achieves the security limit needed

  • The other API ambiguity issue is acceptable

Then this is indeed a very crude but usable solution.