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Standard Examples

Through the previous chapters:

  • We learned about the three core functionalities of Jimmer and got a basic impression of it.

  • We also went through a simple project to understand the basics of using Jimmer, including how to use its Annotation Processor (Java) / KSP (Kotlin).

However, for a comprehensive solution, having rich examples is better. Jimmer provides a series standard examples:


Combining the accompanying examples is the most efficient way to get familiar with Jimmer.


Like JOOQ, JPA2.0 Criteria, QueryDSL, MyBatis-Flex, Fluent-MyBatis and other types of strong-typed SQL DSL implementations, Jimmer needs to generate more source code based on user code.

  • For Java, it is annotation processor
  • For Kotlin, it is ksp

When a user opens the accompanying examples in an IDE (such as IntelliJ) for the first time, some classes that should have been automatically generated will be missing.


Don't panic, click the run button and all errors will disappear automatically.

Example Introduction

The accompanying examples of Jimmer are very helpful for quickly mastering Jimmer.

The root directory of all examples:

This project provides 5 examples, each with Java and Kotlin versions, for a total of 10 projects.

JavaKotlinDescriptionHow to RunImportance
java/jimmer-corejava/jimmer-core-ktORM-unrelated example demonstrating immer-style immutable objectsRun main method★★★★
java/jimmer-sqljava/jimmer-sql-ktUse Jimmer to quickly build REST services. This example demonstrates most of Jimmer's capabilities and is the most important and fundamental example.

  1. Run main method

  2. Visit swagger page: http://localhost:8080/ui
  3. Download client TypeScript code: http://localhost:8080/
java/jimmer-sql-graphqljava/jimmer-sql-graphql-ktUse Jimmer to quickly build GraphQL services
  1. Run main method
  2. Visit GraphiQL page: http://localhost:8080/graphiql
java/jimmer-cloudjava/jimmer-cloud-ktMicroservice project based on Spring Cloud, demonstrating Jimmer's remote associations
  1. Start the registry center by running the main method of the registry-center subproject
  2. Start all microservices by running the main method in store-service, book-service and author-service
  3. Wait about half a minute to ensure the registry center correctly identifies all microservices to avoid exceptions in subsequent swagger calls where some remote services cannot be recognized.
  4. Visit the swagger-ui of any of the following microservices


After starting all projects locally, if there is a communication failure between the microservices and it persists after waiting for some time, please visit http://localhost:7000 to open the eureka registration center, add the hostnames of the various registered services to your local hosts file.

java/save-commandkotlin/save-command-ktDedicated example for save commandsRun all unit tests★★★

When getting started, the most important examples are jimer-sql and jimmer-sql-kt. Open either of them according to your language preference:

Non-Cache Mode

Non-cache mode is the default running mode for all examples. No external environment needs to be installed for them to run directly.

If an example depends on a database, it will use the H2 in-memory database in non-cache mode, and automatically create the database at startup.

As you can see, non-cache mode is very simple and ideal for quickly getting familiar with the examples.

Cache Mode

As introduced above, there are 10 accompanying examples, 4 of which can demonstrate Jimmer's caching and cache consistency.

By default, caching is not used, and they run on embedded in-memory databases with automatic database initialization. This ensures no external environment installation is required. Just click the run button to demonstrate.

You can also start them in cache mode by running the program with the spring-boot profile maxwell or debezium.

These two spring profiles utilize the CDC push capabilities of maxwell or debezium to achieve

, so external environments need to be installed.


In fact, relying on CDC push services like maxwell or debezium is not the only way to achieve

. Even without the help of any external technology, Jimmer can also achieve this capability.

  • Jimmer's own capability to capture data changes is called Transaction Trigger

  • Pushing database changes to Jimmer via external CDC technology is called BinLog Trigger

Please refer to Trigger Classification.

BinLog Trigger has better performance and universality (even if the database is changed through other means that bypass Jimmer, such as directly modifying the data using a SQL IDE, it can also be intercepted), so it is the recommended solution.

Therefore, although Transaction Trigger can achieve

without relying on any special external environment, the official examples still use BinLog Trigger to synchronize the cache, as this is the more recommended approach.

So we need to set up CDC services like maxwell or debezium to push database changes to Jimmer.

Enabling cache mode requires building an external environment.

  1. First, you need to install docker on your local machine.

  2. Install the external environment

    The accompanying examples support two external environments. Feel free to choose either one to experience

Maxwell + MySQL

Although Maxwell only supports MySQL, it is the simplest of all database change push technologies. So it has demonstrational value.

Open the command line, enter the local directory corresponding to jimmer-examples/env-with-cache/maxwell, and execute

bash ./ 

After installation, docker host port usage is enabled as follows

Container NamePortDescription
maxwell-demo-zookeeper4000Support Kafka, users do not use directly
maxwell-demo-kafka4100The exposed address is localhost, that is, assuming the docker host is your local machine. If you want to use a remote server as the docker host, you need to modify the kafka installation command in and modify the spring-boot configuration file in the examples
maxwell-demo-kafdrop4101A Kafka GUI tool, visit http://localhost:4101 with a browser
maxwell-demo-mysql4200Database service in this mode
maxwell-demo-maxwellNABackground service that pushes MySQL changes to Kafka
maxwell-demo-redis4400Caching service in this mode

Debezium + Postgres

Debezium supports many databases and has good versatility. The example uses it to support change propagation for Postgres.


Postgres is a great open source database. If your project is brand new without any historical baggage, consider trying Postgres. This is why Jimmer's examples use Debezium to support Postgres.

Open the command line, enter the local directory corresponding to jimmer-examples/env-with-cache/debezium, and execute

bash ./

After installation, docker host port usage is enabled as follows

Container NamePortDescription
debezium-demo-zookeeper5000Support Kafka, users do not use directly
debezium-demo-kafka5100The exposed address is localhost, that is, assuming the docker host is your local machine. If you want to use a remote server as the docker host, you need to modify the kafka installation command in and modify the spring-boot configuration file in the examples
debezium-demo-kafdrop5101A Kafka GUI tool, visit http://localhost:5101 with a browser
debezium-demo-postgres5200Database service in this mode
debezium-demo-connect5300Responsible for pushing Postgres changes to Kafka using kafka-connector. You can verify whether the pg-connector named debezium-connector is successfully installed by visiting http://localhost:5300/connectors
debezium-demo-redis5400Caching service in this mode



If both the Maxwell + MySQL and Debezium + Postgres external environments are installed, some containers may fail to start due to insufficient memory.

For example, on my Mac, the default memory allocated to docker is 2GB. Installing and starting all of the above containers, plus a few other unrelated containers, led to insufficient memory. The problem was resolved after setting to 3GB.