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Final Usage

Jimmer's Two Usages

  • Use Jimmer's Spring Boot Starter

  • Directly use the underlying SqlClient

Jimmer has complete sample projects. For how to use Jimmer's Spring Boot Starter, please refer to the examples. This article discusses using the underlying sqlClient directly without Spring.


SqlClient is the lowest-level API in Jimmer


You need to create a global object of this type, which is the API entry point for all ORM behaviors of Jimmer.

Multiple data sources require creating multiple global objects. However, here we discuss the most common case of a single data source, where one global object is sufficient.

Since we are using the Jimmer Spring Boot Starter, in this case, please specify the following configuration in application.yml (or

driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jimmer_demo
username: root
password: 123456
dialect: org.babyfish.jimmer.sql.dialect.MySqlDialect
show-sql: true
pretty-sql: true
database-validation-mode: ERROR

The Jimmer Spring Boot Starter will automatically create this global object

Note that for Kotlin, in order to create KSqlClient instead of JSqlClient, you need to configure jimmer.language = kotlin in application.yml/


Therefore, you can directly inject an object of type JSqlClient/KSqlClient anywhere.

The subsequent code in this article will assume there is a sqlClient variable and use it, but it will not provide an explanation, as a detailed explanation has already been given here.


package com.example.model.repository;  

import org.babyfish.jimmer.sql.JSqlClient;
import org.babyfish.jimmer.sql.fetcher.Fetcher;
import org.babyfish.jimmer.Page;

import com.example.model.Book;
import com.example.model.BookTable;

public class BookRepository {

private static final BookTable T = BookTable.$;

private final JSqlClinet sqlClient;

public BookRepository(JSqlClient sqlClient) {
this.sqlClient = sqlClient;

public Page<Book> findBooks(

int pageIndex, // Starts from 0
int pageSize,

@Nullable Fetcher<Book> fetcher,

// e.g. "name asc, edtion desc"
@Nullable String sortCode,

@Nullable String name,
@Nullable BigDecimal minPrice,
@Nullable BigDecimal maxPrice,
@Nullable String storeName,
@Nullable String storeWebsite,
@Nullable String authorName
) {
return sqlClient
.where(T.price().betweenIf(minPrice, maxPrice))
T.authors(author ->
.where(T.authors(author -> author.gender().eqIf(authorGender)))
sortCode != null ?
sortCode :
"name asc, edition desc"
.fetchPage(pageIndex, pageSize);

Users can create BookRepository objects and combine the parameters in various ways to test:

  • Dynamic queries (including dynamic joins, implicit subqueries)
  • Dynamic sorting
  • Paged queries

Details omitted here.


Save Short Associations

In the src/main/dto directory, create any file with extension dto and edit its code:

export com.example.model.Book
-> package com.example.model.dto

input BookInput {
id(store) // as storeId
id(authors) as authorIds

Compile to generate the Java/Kotlin DTO type com.example.model.dto.BookInput:

Then modify the BookRepository:

public class BookRepository {

...other members omitted...

public long saveBook(BookInput input) {
return sqlClient
// Return auto-generated id if `` is null

Save Long Associations

In the src/main/dto directory, create any file with extension dto and edit its code:

export com.example.model.BookStore 
-> package com.example.model.dto

input CompositeBookStoreInput {
books {

Compile to generate the Java/Kotlin DTO type com.example.model.dto.CompositeBookStoreInput:

Then create the BookStoreRepository:

public class BookStoreRepository {

public long saveBookStore(CompositeBookStoreInput input) {
return sqlClient
// Return auto-generated id if `` is null


Modify the BookRepository:

public class BookRepository {

...other members omitted...

public void deleteBook(long id) {
sqlClient.deleteById(Book.class, id);