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Save Short Associations

What is Short Association

A short association refers to only changing the association relationship between the current object and other objects, without further modifying the associated object.

For the UI interface:

  • Reference association (one-to-one and many-to-one) is rendered as a radio menu

  • Collection association (one-to-many and many-to-many) is rendered as a multiple select menu

For example:

Book Form

Define Input DTO

  1. Install DTO language Intellij plugin: (This process is not required but highly recommended)

  2. Create a new directory src/main/dto

  3. Under src/main/dto, create a file Book.dto and write the following code:

    input BookInputWithShortAssociations {
    id(store) //default alias storeId
    id(authors) as authorIds

Generated Code
file = "<yourproject>/src/main/dto/Book.dto"
public class BookInputWithShortAssociations implements Input<Book> {

private Long id;

private String name;

private int edition;

private BigDecimal price;

private Long storeId;

private List<Long> authorIds;

...Omit other methods...

Write HTTP Service
public class BookController {

private final JSqlClient sqlClient;

public BookController(JSqlClient sqlClient) {
this.sqlClient = sqlClient;

public int saveBookInputWithShortAssociations(
@RequestBody BookInputWithShortAssociations input
) {
return sqlClient

It can be seen that no matter how the Input DTO changes, Jimmer still only needs one method call to complete data saving.