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Jimmer has many configurations, some of which can be configured in Spring Boot's application.yml or Such as:

PropertyTypeDefault ValueDescription
jimmer.languagejava | kotlinjavaMust be configured for Kotlin projects
jimmer.dialectstringJimmer's default dialectJimmer dialect class name to print SQL logs
jimmer.pretty-sqlbooleanfalseWhether to format SQL
jimmer.inline-sql-variablesbooleanfalseWhether to inline SQL parameters(This only affects the logs. The actual SQL executed still uses JDBC parameters)
jimmer.executor-context-prefixesList<String>[]Usually multiple package names or full class names, Jimmer judges whether the current stacktrace should be appended to the SQL logs
jimmer.database-validation.modeNONE | WARNING | ERRORNONEDatabase validation mode
jimmer.database-validation-modeSame as aboveSame as aboveSame as above
jimmer.database-validation.catalogstringCatalog of validated tables' database, configured when table name conflicts
jimmer.database-validation.schemastringSchema of validated tables' database, configured when table name conflicts
jimmer.trigger-typeBINLOG_ONLY | TRANSACTION_ONLY | BOTHBINLOG_ONLYTrigger type | FAKE | ALLNONEWhether to check short associated ids in save commands queries in save commands use pessimistic locks
jimmer.default-enum-strategyNAME | ORDINALNAMEDefault mapping mode for enums without explicit declaration
jimmer.default-batch-sizeint128Default fetch size for non-collection properties
jimmer.default-list-batch-sizeint16Default fetch size for collection properties
jimmer.offset-optimizing-thresholdintInteger.MAX_VALUEOffset threshold to enable deep paging optimization for paged queries keys without explicit declaration are treated as real foreign keys
jimmer.transaction-cache-operator-fixed-delayint5000Retry interval for failed or excessive cache invalidation tasks when trigger type is TRANSACTION_ONLY (not relying on external CDC)
jimmer.micro-service-namestringService name of current application if using remote associations
jimmer.error-translator.disabledbooleanfalseWhether to disable exception mapping in automatic front-end integration
jimmer.error-translator.http-statusint500Unified HTTP status of server exceptions on client side
jimmer.error-translator.debug-info-supportedbooleanfalseWhether to include exception message etc. to help debugging in client errors, should be disabled in production
jimmer.error-translator.debug-info-max-stack-trace-countint0Maximum number of stacktrace in exception information in client errors, should be disabled in production
jimmer.client.ts.pathstringDownload path of automatically generated TypeScript code, e.g. "/"
jimmer.client.ts.api-namestringApiAPI name of automatically generated TypeScript code
jimmer.client.ts.indentint4Indentation of automatically generated TypeScript code
jimmer.client.ts.anonymousbooleanfalseWhether to use anonymous style to avoid naming DTO types in automatically generated TypeScript code
jimmer.client.ts.mutablebooleanfalseBy default, the Typescript generated by Jimmer serves the React ecosystem, so there are a lot of readonly modifiers in the TS type declarations. If this behavior is not desirable, please set this configuration to true path of automatically generated Spring Cloud Feign Java code, e.g. "/" name of automatically generated Spring Cloud Feign Java code of automatically generated Spring Cloud Feign Java code level package of automatically generated Spring Cloud Feign Java code