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JSON Converter

Although Jimmer entities are not POJOs, Jackson serialization can be supported by org.babyish.jimmer.jackson.ImmutableModule.


If using the Jimmer Spring Boot Starter, this ImmutableModule will be automatically registered without user intervention.

However, sometimes we need to customize the Jackson serialization behavior of certain properties. We give two examples here.

  • Snowflake ID

  • Data Masking

1. Snowflake ID

Snowflake IDs lead to very large int64 values that unfortunately cannot be represented by JavaScript's number type. Therefore, we have no choice but to serialize such id properties as strings.


@public interface Book {

@GeneratedValue(generatorType = SnowflakeIdGenerator.class)
long id();

String name();

...Omit other properties...

Where SnowflakeIdGenerator is a user-provided distributed snowflake ID generator implementation, which is not the focus of our discussion.

Here, we discuss the highlighted line:

  • @org.babyfish.jimmer.jackson.JsonConverter indicates custom Jackson serialization/deserialization behavior for the property.

  • org.babyfish.jimmer.jackson.LongToStringConverter means serialize/deserialize the long value as a String.

    LongToStringConverter is a built-in Converter in Jimmer. Here we show its source code to quickly understand how to customize Converter.

    package org.babyfish.jimmer.jackson;

    public class LongToStringConverter implements Converter<Long, String> {

    // How to serialize
    public String output(Long value) {
    return Long.toString(value);

    // How to deserialize
    public Long input(String jsonValue) {
    return Long.parseLong(jsonValue);


  • Jimmer annotations rather than Jackson annotations are used here, because: This is not only an adjustment of the serialization framework Jackson, but also a useful adjustment of

  • No need to consider null values ​​inside Converter, null values ​​will never be passed as an argument to any Converter method.

Here, bypassing ORM, we demonstrate the effect by simulating data.

Book book = Immutables.createBook(draft -> {
draft.setName("SQL in Action");

Since the toString of Jimmer entities is Jackson serialization, we can print directly and observe the results of Jackson serialization:

"id": "1546434604146774987",
"name": "SQL in Action"

We can see that the serialized id is a string rather than a number, thus avoiding the problem that JavaScript clients cannot parse large numbers.

Automatically Applied to IdView Properties


@IdView properties is advanced mapping content that will be explained later. Readers can skip this section for now and come back later.

public interface Author {

@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "authors")
List<Book> books();

List<Long> bookIds();

...Omit other properties...

Here, the bookIds property is not an ordinary List <Long> collection, but the collection of ids of all associated Book objects.

Because the property has already been annotated with @JsonConverter, there is no need to specify any annotations for the bookIds property here to give it this capability.

Similarly, bypassing ORM, demonstrate the effect through simulated data.

Author author = Immutables.createAuthor(draft -> {

Since the toString of Jimmer entities is Jackson serialization, we can print directly and observe the results of Jackson serialization:

"bookIds": [

We can see that all elements of the serialized bookIds property are strings rather than numbers, thus avoiding the problem that JavaScript clients cannot parse large numbers.

Automatically Applied to DTO


DTO is advanced mapping content that will be explained later. Readers can skip this section for now and come back later.

In the src/main/dto directory, create any file with the extension .dto and edit its code as follows

export com.yourcompany.yourproject.model.Book
-> package com.yourcompany.yourproject.model.dto

BookView {

After compiling the project, the generated Java/Kotlin type is:

@GeneratedBy(file = "<yourproject>/src/main/dto/Book.dto")
public class BookView {

private String id;

private String name;

...Omit other properties...

We can see that the type of the id property in the automatically generated DTO type is String instead of long.

Finally, we verify the conversion from entity to DTO object as follows

Book book = Immutables.createBook(draft -> {
draft.setName("SQL in Action");
System.out.println(new BookView(book));

The output is as follows

id = "1546434604146774987",
name = "SQL in Action"

2. Data Masking


Assume the User entity has a phone property representing the user's phone number. We now perform data masking on this property.

For example, displaying the phone number as 135****6792.


Data masking is not simply a page rendering feature. It must ensure that real data is not returned in the HTTP requests themselves.

There is no built-in Converter available for this requirement. We need to customize the Converter as follows:

public class UserPhoneConverter implements Converter<String, String> {

public String output(String value) {
return value.substring(0, 3) + "****" + value.substring(7);

Then modify the User entity simply

public interface User {

String phone();

Support Input

In the above example, the UserPhoneConverter only overrides the output method without overriding the input method.

Because the default implementation of the input method is to throw an UnsupportedOperationException exception, deserialization is not supported.

However, in actual projects, Input DTO can be generated based on entity objects to complete data entry. In this case, the client should enter the exact phone number. Therefore, we can override the input method as follows.

public String input(String value) {
return value;